William Sterner
Full name:
William Sterner
State (Region):
Michigan (Great Lake)
National Eligibility Ranking
# tasks recorded to date:
Avg of first 5 tasks:
Highest Task Avg
(for National Ranking):
Task Details
Task # "N" Event Date
Task Seq
Task Score
Sum of highest
C scores
Task Avg
for Natl Ranking
12024 Balloons Over Bavarian Inn2024-05-261318---
22024 Balloons Over Bavarian Inn2024-05-262341---
3Angola Balloons Aloft2024-07-131186---
4Angola Balloons Aloft2024-07-132759---
5Angola Balloons Aloft2024-07-13357452178435.6
6Angola Balloons Aloft2024-07-13431352305461
7The Ohio Challenge2024-07-20128362588431.33
8The Ohio Challenge2024-07-20254362848474.67
9The Ohio Challenge2024-07-20319673131447.29
10The Ohio Challenge2024-07-20450073348478.29
11The Ohio Challenge2024-07-21557583923490.38
12The Ohio Challenge2024-07-21682584435554.38
13The Ohio Challenge2024-07-21797595410601.11
14Flag City BalloonFest 20242024-08-10117995410601.11
15Flag City BalloonFest 20242024-08-102429105839583.9
16Flag City BalloonFest 20242024-08-103679106200620
17Flag City BalloonFest 20242024-08-104393116593599.36
18Flag City BalloonFest 20242024-08-115868117120647.27
19Flag City BalloonFest 20242024-08-116921128041670.08
20Flag City BalloonFest 20242024-08-117316128041670.08
21Jupiter Flights Balloon Festival2024-09-081635138676667.38
22Jupiter Flights Balloon Festival2024-09-082942139225709.62