Chad Crabtree
Full name:
Chad Crabtree
State (Region):
Michigan (Great Lake)
National Eligibility Ranking
# tasks recorded to date:
Avg of first 5 tasks:
Highest Task Avg
(for National Ranking):
Task Details
Task # "N" Event Date
Task Seq
Task Score
Sum of highest
C scores
Task Avg
for Natl Ranking
12024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-112139---
22024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-11365---
32024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-11465---
42024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1159---
52024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1264725750150
62024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-12730651047209.4
72024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-12827861325220.83
82024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-12910261362227
92024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-121021371575225
102024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1311971575225
112024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1312981640205
122024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-13132881640205
132024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-131423191871207.89
142024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-141544392249249.89
152024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1416292102541254.1
162024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1417287102763276.3
172024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1418745113508318.91
182024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1519361113767342.45
192024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1520445124212351
202024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1521194124267355.58
212024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1522509134776367.38
222024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1523546135128394.46
232024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1624896146024430.29
242024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1625236146047431.93
252024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1626425156472431.47
262024 BFA US National Championship2024-06-1627368156609440.6
27Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-041403167012438.25
28Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-042375167151446.94
29Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-043458177609447.59
30Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-044597177928466.35
31Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-045750188678482.11
32Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-05643188678482.11
33Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-05743198956471.37
34Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-05891198956471.37
35Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-059129209192459.6
36Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-0710431209387469.35
37Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-0711194219623458.24
38Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-0712181219623458.24
39Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-0713319229942451.91
40Battle Creek Field of Flight2024-07-07144862210192463.27
41Angola Balloons Aloft2024-07-1319812311173485.78
42Angola Balloons Aloft2024-07-1323522311247489
43Angola Balloons Aloft2024-07-1332042411525480.21
44Angola Balloons Aloft2024-07-1342712411525480.21
45The Ohio Challenge2024-07-2018912512416496.64
46The Ohio Challenge2024-07-2027172512855514.2
47The Ohio Challenge2024-07-2038262613681526.19
48The Ohio Challenge2024-07-2048912614285549.42
49The Ohio Challenge2024-07-2152752714572539.7
50The Ohio Challenge2024-07-2163752714660542.96
51The Ohio Challenge2024-07-2177252815385549.46
52Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-2612002815385549.46
53Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-2625672915952550.07
54Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-2717672916427566.45
55Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-2727673017194573.13
56Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-2769673017855595.17
57Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-2777673118622600.71
58Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-28119003119203619.45
59Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-28131003219522610.06
60Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic2024-07-28141003219522610.06