Flight 4 - Sunday 8 Aug 2021 AM
Task 9 - FIN - Fly In (Rule 15.4)
Position of Goals/Targets:
0536/2049 - MMA 50m - 1650ft
Marker Drop: Gravity
Marker Color: yellow
Logger Marker: #1
Task Order: In Order
Scoring Period End: 08:30
Scoring Area: Entire contest area
Task 10 - RTA - Race to an Area (Rule 15.10)
Task Order: In Order
Scoring Period End: 09:00
Scoring Area: East of gridline 1100
The pilot must declare before the mark of task 9 the local time of the day of the first entry into the scoring area (first track point inside the scoring area).
The declaration must be in loggergoal #1 and must have the following format:
hhmm in the easting field
where hh = hour and mm = minutes
The time hh:mm:00 will be used.
The result is the difference (absolute) between the declared time and the time of the first trackpoint inside the scoring area. Shortest result is best.