Belgian Balloon Trophy 2022Vielsalm, Belgium

Flight 3 - Saturday 28 May 2022 PM
Date 28/05/2022
Sunrise / Sunset 05:40/21:30
PZs in force Group A
Launch Area 70810/8751
Min. dist. ILP to goals -
Launch Period GF + 30 mins
Next Briefing 04:30
Solo Flight Not Required
Search Period4 hrs
Task 8 - PDG - Pilot Declared Goal (Rule 15.1) - Task Cancelled
Logger Goal: #1
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker: #1
Declaration Method: Into logger before take off
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 21:25
Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area
Task Data:

Your PDG-Goal in Task #8 must be minimum 2 km away from all the other goals mentioned in this TDS.

You will be scored in 3D to 3500ft, or your own declared altitude.

Task 9 - HWZ - Hesitation Waltz (Rule 15.3) - Task Cancelled
Position of Goals/Targets:
70929/8409 - MMA 50m
70875/8202 - MMA 50m
71020/8171 - MMA 50m
Marker Drop Gravity
Marker Color: Pink
Logger Marker: #2
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 21:25
Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area
Task Data:

Note 1: Follow the instructions on the sketch to enter the CLA and the area where you can lay-out your balloons.


Note 2: PZ ‘D’ is in force. Maximum altitude is 4500ft MSL.


Note 3: When the Purple flag is raised together with the Green flag, task #8 will be cancelled.

We will inform you via the WhatsApp group as well. Purple flag has priority on WhatsApp-message.

In this case, Task #9 becomes Task #8.

You still have to drop the digital markerdrop in Goal #2 as mentioned above .


Note 4: Be aware of the shortened time limits as tomorrow-morning is the last flying slot.