PUKAPUCUP Season 3Watarase, Japan

Practice Flight 1 - Friday 9 Dec 2022 AM
Date 09/12/2022
Sunrise / Sunset 6:30
PZs in force all PZ in Force
Launch Area Any place out side of football field
Min. dist. ILP to goals -
Launch Period 6:50-7:40
Next Briefing 6:20
Solo Flight Not Required
QNH 1022
Task 1 - PDG - Pilot Declared Goal (Rule 15.1)
Logger Goal: #1
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker: #1
Task order In Order
Scoring Period End: 17:00
Scoring Area: entire contest area
Task Data:

min 1 k  no max

Task 2 - JDG - Judge Declared Goal (Rule 15.2)
Position of Goals/Targets:
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker: #2
Task order In Order
Scoring Period End: 17:00
Scoring Area: entire
Task Data:

Scoring group A : Inside of Radius 500m 

Scoring group B : Out side of group A area

The result of Group B : The result for scoring is the actual result [ x 1.5 ] 

Task 3 - XDD - Maximum Distance Double Drop (Rule 15.18)
Marker Drop None
Logger Marker/s #3 and #4
Task order Any Order
Scoring Period End: 17:00
Scoring Area: see task data
Task Data:

Scoring Area : Inside of football field. including both goals .

When you push your logger mark in the goal, your score will be [ x 1.2 ]

and second goal will make your score [ x 1.4 ]