2022 US National ChampionshipScottsbluff, Nebraska, United States

Flight 1 - Tuesday 9 Aug 2022 AM
Date 09/08/2022
Sunrise / Sunset 5:57
PZs in force All
Launch Area 0980/3010 (CLA 2 Grasslands @ Five Rocks)
Min. dist. ILP to goals -
Launch Period Green Flag + 30 Minutes
Next Briefing 5:15 PM
Solo Flight Not Required
Search Period& Track Upload & Flight Report Forms 10:00 AM
Task 1 - JDG - Judge Declared Goal (Rule 15.2)
Position of Goals/Targets:
0928/3241 - MMA 70m
Marker Drop Gravity
Marker Color: Orange
Logger Marker: #1
Task order In Order
Scoring Period End: 07:30
Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area
Task Data:
Note 1: Result will be 2D/3D; Separation altitude is 4,500' MSL

Note 2: Target elevation is approximately 4,003' MSL
Task 2 - 3DT - 3D Shape Task (Rule 15.20)
Logger Goal: #1
Declaration Method: Logger Goal #1 in BLA
Task order In Order
Scoring Period End: 08:00
Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area
Task Data:

Note 1: Declaration point on or south of northing grid line 3300; Declared center point must be located on northing grid line 3500 Example: xxxx / 3500 (must declare full 4/4)

Note 2: Radius A = 500 meters; Radius B = 1,500 meters

Note 3: Unlimited entry and exit is allowed

15.20.3 The result is the accumulated horizontal distance between valid track points in the set airspace(s). Greatest result is best

Task 3 - HWZ - Hesitation Waltz (Rule 15.3)
Position of Goals/Targets:
1195/3855 - MMA 40m
1246/3707 - MMA 40m
Marker Drop Free
Marker Color: Pink
Logger Marker: #2
Task order In Order
Scoring Period End: 08:30
Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area
Task Data:

Note 1: Scoring will be 2D/3D; Separation Altitude is 4,500' MSL

Task 4 - JDG - Judge Declared Goal (Rule 15.2)
Position of Goals/Targets:
1310/4250 - MMA 50m
Marker Drop Free
Marker Color: White
Logger Marker: #3
Task order In Order
Scoring Period End: 09:00
Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area
Task Data:

Note 1: Scoring will be 2D/3D; Separation Altitude is 4,500' MSL

Task 5 - FON - Fly On (Rule 15.5)
Logger Goal: #2
Marker Drop None
Marker Color: N/A
Logger Marker: #4
Declaration Method: Logger Goal #2 in BLA
Task order In Order
Scoring Period End: 09:00
Scoring Area: Entire Contest Area
Task Data:

Note 1: Declaration point must be on or south of northing grid line 4200; Declared goal must be at least 1,500 meters from declaration point and all other goals on the TDS.

Note 2: Scoring will be 2D/3D; Separation altitude is 4,500' MSL