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Changes in PZ16
27 Oct 2023


Color: Blue,

Description: Air law (9505/1242-9781/1622-0963/2611 THEN CLOCKWISE ARC OF CIRCLE RADIUS 6NM CENTRED ON 0565/1574 UNTIL 9505/1242)

Altitude: 9000ft

Link to download .plt version: download

General briefing notes
27 Oct 2023
Complaint from pilots #1, #3, #6, #8, #11, #13 and the answer to it
26 Oct 2023

Dear pilots,
In response to the complaint of pilots 3,1, 6, 8, 11 and 12, I wanted to say that my decision to cancel task 4 was related not with the cloud celling but to the fact that I did not want to push you to land in the mountains, but this does not mean that such a flight would be dangerous. On the other hand, the clouds were scattered, and it was hard to say from the ground if balloon is in the cloud or not, I didn’t get any reports or comments from my officials about safety issues related with that during the flight and after that.
All pilots, named in the complaint appeal to the safety of the flight, especially in the task 2, but nevertheless, all of you flew in this flight and scored in task 2. I want to remind you that according to the rule 8.2.3 Task are not valid if less than 50% of the competitors take off, but in our case all of you were in the air, which means that you didn’t think that air condition was not flyable or dangerous. In addition, the rule II-9 clearly state “ …Flight conditions which do not comply with VFR rules are not basis for complaints or protests”.
Considering the arguments listed above, I do not accept your complaint and leave the results as they are.

Event director, Eugenijus Komas

Fight 2 is cancelled. Next briefing at 7:30
26 Oct 2023
Link to download .plt and .wpt PZ files
25 Oct 2023

The .wpt file with all PZ-s and .plt file for PZ 12,13,14 is available here : download

The links to WhatsApp groups
21 Oct 2023

During this event, we will use WhatsApp for the recall procedure, for spreading competition-related and public information, etc.

For this purpose, three WhatsApp groups were created:


The PUBLIC group is open to everyone and anyone can join it and share his pictures, videos, and messages or ask any questions regarding the event.


The ED group is closed. Only the pilot, his crew chief, and officials can join this group. The ability to comment is disabled in this group. Only three persons can publish information here: The event director, his deputy, and the target team chief. This group will be used for publishing important information before and during the flight, such as corrected information about targets; and changes in tasks; flight cancelation; other important information linked to the flight. Before and during the flight, pilots MUST monitor this channel at all times or ensure that ground crew members do so. Complaints related to the fact that the pilot did not notice the message, did not receive the information because he did not have time to look or was outside the communication zone, or other similar reasons, will not be accepted. If the WhatsApp system stopped working during the flight, SMS messages would be used for important messages, and if the work of mobile communication in the competition area was disrupted, the pilots would be informed using the radio frequency 122.250 MHz.


The ED group is closed. Only the pilot, his crew, and officials can join this group. This group is not intended for conversations between its members. It is intended only for direct appeals to the director or his deputy. The message must be sent using the following format: Pxx: .... or Cxx: ....., where xx is the pilot number and .... is the text of the message itself. P is coded as a pilot and C as a crew member. The response to the inquiry will be published in MONDOVI 2023 ED, copying the content of the inquiry message itself. We will also use this group to collect pilot landing messages and pilots' confirmations about receiving important messages on the MONDOVI 2023 ED group.

Event Director

IMPORTANT: Usage of the BalloonLive app and the
21 Oct 2023

Mandatory requirements for your mobile device:

1. The mobile device must be dedicated to competition and not used for daily activities, like phone calls, browsing, etc.

2. Android version is greater than 8 on your mobile device OR iOS version greater than iOS 13.2 on your mobile device

3. The Balloon Live App (the App) must have permission to access Storage and Location in the background

4. Device is stable with the App running for at least 2 hours

5. The App version is 2027 or greater on your device.

6. Account in shall be created.

7. Log in to the app with 

8. In-App payments must be set, and Balloon live token paid.

To use the App for the competition

You shall have a personal account on or sign up if you have not yet.


You can use the additional backup device for backup tracks with marks and declarations.

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Android App Store
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The Official Italian Championship Rules
14 Oct 2023
Schedule of the event
7 Oct 2023

October 25, Wednesday

14.00 - 15.00 Registration

16.30    Opening speeches

17:00    General briefing

October 26, Thursday

07.30     Tasks briefing

08.00     The first competition flight

16.00     Tasks briefing 

16.30     The second competition flight

October 27, Friday

07.30     Tasks briefing

08.00     The third competition flight

16.00     Tasks briefing 

16.30     The fourth competition flight

October 28, Saturday

07.30     Tasks briefing

08.00     The fifth competition flight

16.00     Tasks briefing 

16.30     The sixth competition flight

October 29, Sunday (reserved day)

06.30    Tasks briefing (reserved flight)

07.00    The reserved competition flight

12:00    Closing / Award ceremony

Mappa di gara
20 Sep 2023