Flight 1 - Tuesday 10 Aug 2021 AM
Task 1 - PDG - Pilot Declared Goal (Rule 15.1)
Logger Goal: #1
Logger Marker: #1
Declaration Method: Before launch to the loggergoal #1
Task Order: Any Order
Scoring Period End: 08:15
Scoring Area: entire contest area
Any valid coordinates with altitude.
minimum 1km to goals and CLP
Task 2 - CRT - Calculated Rate of Approach Task (Rule 15.9)
Position of Goals/Targets:
0706/4002 - MMA 75m
Marker Drop: Free
Marker Color: Yellow
Logger Marker: #2
Task Order: Any Order
Scoring Period End: 07:15
Scoring Area: entire contest area
Scoring by physical marker inside the grey area (MMA excluding target) is only possible from xx:00 to xx:14:59 and xx:30 to xx:44:59.
Scoring by the physical marker on the target is possible anytime within the scoring period.
Scoring by longer mark outside of MMA is possible from xx:15 to xx:29:59 and from xx:45 to xx:59:59
Task 3 - 3DT - 3D Shape Task (Rule 15.20)
Logger Goal: #2
Task Order: Any Order
Scoring Period End: 08:00
Scoring Area: Entire contest area
A pilot must declare the center of his scoring area with radiuses A = R750m, B = R1500m on horizontal grid line 4200.
The scoring space is between 500ft and 4500ft altitude.
The declaration must be done before passing horizontal line 4000 in Loggergoal #2
The result will be accumulated 2D distance between first VTP and last VTP in the scoring are.
Task 4 - JDG - Judge Declared Goal (Rule 15.2)
Position of Goals/Targets:
0945/4362 - 800ft
Logger Marker: #3
Task Order: Any Order
Scoring Period End: 08:00
Scoring Area: Entire contest area
Task 5 - JDG - Judge Declared Goal (Rule 15.2)
Position of Goals/Targets:
1010/4597 - MMA 50m - 320ft
Marker Drop: Free
Marker Color: Bright green
Logger Marker: #4
Task Order: In Order
Scoring Period End: 08:15
Scoring Area: Entire contest area