Flights & Tasks
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Moning flight (14.08.2021) is CANCELED!
14 Aug 2021

Due to safety reason morning flight (14.08.2021) is CANCELED!

Moning flight (13.08.2021) is CANCELED!
13 Aug 2021

Due to given wind situation and for safety reason I was forced to cancel task 27. Unfortunately, at that time some pilots were already in the air, which created an unfair opportunity for them to take-off a second time, even with prolonged start period and the permission for the second take-off.

Due to these circumstances and following rule 8.2.1, I decided to cancel the whole flight.


The answer to the complaint of Yamashita Taichiro (Pilot #28)
13 Aug 2021

Dear Taichiro Yamashita,


The rule 6.13 GPS-LOGGER FAILURE says


6.13.1   Reported malfunctions are considered failures only when they can be reproduced after flight. When a failure is found, the officials may ask the competitor to provide his GPS equipment to substitute the missing track information.


Your mentioned problem with BLS could not be reproduced. Furthermore, this failure (when the loggermarker is automatically dropped without touch) occurred neither before nor afterwards in this flight or during the rest flights on this event.

In addition to the written above, the rules says:


6.13.3  An electronic mark recorded by a competitor’s GPS-equipment can only be used if the equipment has been approved by the Director before the flight or specific rules under Section II have been followed. Otherwise the competitor will be scored to his nearest electronic mark of the official logger, nearest physical mark or landing position, whichever is best. A score to a track point will not be made.


OziExplorer waypoints are not proper substitute for BalloonLive App dropped marker, as they can have produced any time, even after the flight.

Considering the rules, analyzing the situation and discussing with the Chief scorer, I come to conclusion, not to accept your complaint.


Event director


Eugenijus Komas

Launch period prolonged to 19:30
11 Aug 2021

After some discutions with safety and meteo I made decision to prolong launching period till 19:30. Event director

Link to Dolsk ozf4 map
11 Aug 2021

Actual version of the Balloon live sofwares
10 Aug 2021

The actual version of The Balloon live app is 1132

The actual version of The Balloon live senor is 4017

Official Entry list (Signed by ED)
10 Aug 2021
Results link
10 Aug 2021

The results will be published at this link:

Appendix No. 1
9 Aug 2021

Calculation method of Penalties of Red PZ No. 3 (Road S5) infringement.

The official Dolsk area competition map V2
9 Aug 2021

Map of the Dolsk area:

General briefing notes (updated)
9 Aug 2021

General Briefing notes with corrections made on General Briefing.

The PLT file of PZ3 - Motorway
9 Aug 2021

Please find attached The PLT file of PZ3 - Motorway. 

All penalties for PZ3 will be calculated against this PLT file.

Refueling on 09th will be available from 12 to 15 PM.
8 Aug 2021

Coordinates of the Refueling place are - 0728 / 4449 (parking place in front of the Akwawit pool and hotel.

Organizers provides gas only for one training flight!

COVID-19 safety requirements in Poland
5 Aug 2021
Hello Everyone,
Here I leave the link to the temporary limitations in Poland due to Covid pandemia:
What you have to remember is to have few masks with you. There is no need to wear it outdoor, but it is mandatory to cover your mouth and nose in such places as:
- in buses, trams and trains,
- in shops, malls, banks, markets and post offices
- in cinemas and theaters,
- at physician’s offices, in outpatient clinics and hospitals, in massage and tattoo parlous
- in churches, at schools and universities,
- In government offices (when going there to take care of certain matters) and other civic centers.
The rest limitations you will find in the link above.
Here you can find also the FAI's Technical and practical
recommendations concerning Air Sports Operations during COVID-19

Event organizers

Schedule v2.
31 Jul 2021

August 08th (Sunday)

17:00 - 19:30  Check-in
17:30 - 20:00  Gas refueling
18:30               Training flight *

August 09th (Monday)

05:30               Training flight *
09:00 - 14:00  Check-in
12:00 - 15:00  Gas refueling
15:00 - 17:00  General briefing
18:00               Opening ceremony and dinner

August 10th (Tuesday) - August 13th (Friday)

04:30 - 05:15  Morning coffee
05:15               Briefing and competition flight
08:30 - 11:00  Gas refueling
17:30               Briefing and competition flight
20:30 - 22:30  Gas refueling

August 14th (Saturday)

04:30 - 05:15  Morning coffee
05:15               Briefing and competition flight
TBA                  Event debriefing
17:30               Closing ceremony

------- in case there is a need of Reserved flight -------

TBA                 Gas refueling
17:30               Briefing and competition flight

TBA                 Closing ceremony

* Be informed that organizers provide a gas only for the one training flight only.

The official competition map
31 Jul 2021


Map of the main competition area:

Map of the Dolsk area:

IMPORTANAT: The maps have the different map settings:
Leszno map has the map datum WGS84 and the UTM grid;
Dolsk map has the map datum WGS84 and the User grid (check the rules for settings). For those of you who are using the TwoNav products, instead of User grid you can choose Poland CS92 grid.

VERY IMPORTANT: Anti-Doping test during the event
25 Jul 2021
Dear competitiors,

It is HIGHLY POSSIBLE that during the event some WADA officers can come and randomly check some pilots for forbidden doping materials or drugs. If you want to be ready for such situation I would recommend you to read FAI anti-doping rules and FAQ before your travel.

Event director

IMPORTANT: FAI BLS system on FAI HAB Juniors Worlds Championship
25 Jul 2021

Dear Competitors,

I would like to inform you that FAI gave us GREEN LIGHT to use BLS system during our event. It means that all of you must prepare yourself for this.

First of all, you need to find a mobile phone or tablet especially for that purpose (I DO NOT recommend using your main mobile device) and install BalloonLive app.

Secondly, those of you who do not have Balloon Live Sensor, must find one and bring it with you to Leszno (ask your Balloon federation or pilots who can have it).

It's highly recommended to read and watch everything you will find on BLS website - Please check the latest BLS firmware version (current version is 4.17) and if needed update it. Instructions on how to do that are on the BLS website.

I also want to recommend you to watch the video on ENB of Conawindra competition - It is very short but quite informative.

We are planning to have a short BLS introduction session after the General briefing where Julius Venskus, one of the creators of this system, will show you how to use it and answer your questions. 

Meanwhile, we will set a practice flight in the system for training purpose, which you can use during a flight at home.

Some tips after the several testing events :

1. Prepare a proper holder for your mobile device. Keeping it in your pocket is not a good choice;

2. Uninstall all unnecessary apps from your mobile device;

3. Always keep your phone connected to a charged power bank;

4. Be sure that Balloon Live app is up to date.

Event director

FAI Sporting licenses
1 Jul 2021

Dear pilots,

I just want to remind you about FAI sporting licenses. Before arriving to Leszno you must be sure that your FAI sporting license is valid and is on the FAI database. Twenty one of you still have no valid licenses. 

Event director

Flight logging - Balloon live or FAI loggers?
15 Jun 2021

Dear pilots,

Time is running and our event getting closer and closer. Today I want to overview the situation with flight logging during the championship competition flights. As you probably know, CIA introduced the Balloon flight tracking system with a Flight sensor, the Balloon live app, and the portal. In my opinion, this system is much better than FAI loggers in many aspects. Along with standard features, it lets measuring and scoring teams provide results much faster. Pilots have more time to packing balloons because it's not needed to rush to come back to the competition center with loggers and report forms. It is possible to share your track with your crew and friend live.  However, even that I already used this system on two events, one of them was the Lithuanian championship and had no really serious problems, I can't use it on this event yet. Officially system is not approved by FAI and until it's done it is not allowed to use it on FAI sanctioned events. After some discussions, we agree that I will prepare the rules for both (Balloon Live and FAI loggers) options and if FAI does not approve  BL, I will use FAI loggers instead. FAI authorities promised me to make the conclusion on that matter ASAP, and I believe that it will happen during the next month. 

Meanwhile, I would like to suggest you start preparing yourself for the usage of the Balloon Live system. Read and watch all documentation and videos. Download the app and play with that to be more familiar with it. Buy or rent a phone, which would be specially dedicated for usage with the Balloon Live app and tracking sensor and compatible with European GSM network; buy power bank; make tests flight with full set and make sure that it's convenient for you to use it during the flight.  Later, the Chief scorer and lead developer of the Balloon Live app Julius Venskus will publish more recommendations on how to properly set the system and give you some advice on how to use it. I also plan to make a session before the first competition flight where you will be able to ask questions about Balloon Live. 

Best regards,

Eugenijus Komas

Event director

IOS App Store
Android App Store
FAI Balloon Live On Facebook
BLS User Manual
BLS Quick Reference Guide
BLS Latest Firmware knowledge base


The Official event rules and related documents
13 Jun 2021

The Official Rules

Please find the official rules attached to this note.

ATTN.: Dear pilots, please take in account that I do not intend to distribute the printed version of the rules. For those who think they need a printed copy, please print it yourself or ask organizers.
Be responsible. Protect the environment and nature!

Event director

All additional documents we are going to use on this event:

  • Sporting Code General Section (Ed. 2020 v1.1) – download
  • Sportin Code Section 1 (Ed. April 2021) – download
  • CIA Safety Handbook (Ed. 2019) – download
  • CIA Competition Operations Handbook (Ed. 2021)   – download