Electronic Noticeboard
Final Results can be download here
Signed by Jury and ED
All Results will be Official at 22:00
Task Data Sheet Flight 5 - XDD, FIN, WSD, JDG, ELB
UPDATE 04:30
Task Change: XDD, FIN, WSD, JDG, ELB
Task Data Sheet Flight 4 - MDD, XDD, JDG, WSD, FON, FON
Task Data Sheet Flight 3 - MDD, WSD, JDG, CRT, ANG, FON
Update 28.04.2024 - 21:08
Task Data Sheet Flight 1 - HWZ, JDG, MDD, 3DT, FON - ONLINE
1.Flight - TDS - JDG, 3DT, JDG - CANCELD
Briefing 1700
General Briefing Notes
Attached you find the General Briefing Notes. Please read carefully, if you have questions we will take a look at the GB at 1500
Updated PZ List available
ED David
PZ + Goal List
Attached you find the Official PZ+Goal List. Changes can be done any time but will be announced at the TDS
Google Maps Link to all PZ+Goals. It is just support for you not offical. Valid are only the coordinates for download at the bottom.
Practice Flight No.3 - 27.04.2024 morning
Attached you find the TDS for the upcoming Practice Flight tomorrow morning.
Practice Flight No.2 - 26.04.2024 morning
Attached you find a TDS for a practice flight for tomorrow morning. A target should be displayed in front of the building of A-Z Ballonfahrten. There is no official measuring Team for Task 2. You will be measured 100% digital with the BLS. A Weather forecast will be uploades as soon as possible.
Refueling at A-Z Ballonfahrten, Details please take a look with Elisabeth +43-664-4789122
Have a good and safe flight.
Zeitplan/ Time schedule
Ort: 8271 Bad Waltersdorf 309 Ballonzentrum https://g.co/kgs/pzQvpHZ
13:00-15:00 Uhr Check In
14:00-15:30 Uhr Eröffnungslunch beim Ballonzentrum
16:00 Uhr General Briefing
ca. 17:00 Briefing zur ersten Fahrt
28.04.-30.04. 2024:
ab 04:45 Uhr Frühstück
ca. 05:15 Uhr Briefing zur Frühfahrt
ca. 17:00 Uhr Briefing zur Abendfahrt
01.05. 2024
falls die Mindestanzahl der Fahrten noch nicht erreicht ist: Briefing zur Frühfahrt um 05:15
09:00-10:30 Check out beim Ballonzentrum
ab 11:00 Uhr Siegerehrung und Abschlussessen im Kulturhaus Bad Waltersdorf https://www.bad-waltersdorf.gv.at/bildung-kultur/kulturhaus/
time schedule:
location: 8271 Bad Waltersdorf 309 Ballonzentrum https://g.co/kgs/pzQvpHZ
1-3PM Check In
2-3:30PM Uhr welcome lunch (same location as the check in)
4 PM General Briefing
5 PM first task briefing
28.04.-30.04. 2024:
04:45 AM breakfast
05:15 AM briefing
5 PM briefing
01.05. 2024
if the minimum number of flights has not been achieved yet morning briefing for the additional flight will be at 05:15AM
09:00-10:30 AM Check out at the briefing center https://g.co/kgs/Ew7w6Ty
11:00 AM price giving and closing ceremony Kulturhaus Bad Waltersdorf https://www.bad-waltersdorf.gv.at/bildung-kultur/kulturhaus/
BLS Test
Please check your BLS and your Balloon Live App to the current Version. If a update is needed you see the Details in the TDS to procedere the update.
PZ List
Attached you find the PZ Liste 2024 (wpt), Competition Area, Blue PZ TMA (plt)
Event Rules
Attached you find the Event Rules.
ED David
Official Competition Map(s)
Link for the Official Competition Map:
Some option as digital map. The Official will be "OpenTopoMap 16" all other OpenTopo Maps just other Zoom Levels.
GoogleSAT Hybrid is a optional Version free to use but not Official. Competition Area, PZ-Waypoint List, CLP-Waypoint List, Goal-Waypoint List are available two week before General Briefing.
Maps are calibrated for Ozi Explorer as .map and .ozf4
All can be downloaded via OneDrive Link
blue skies
ED David
Registration via watchmefly
For all those who have not yet registered for an event on watchmefly we would like to give the following information:
1. You have to create a watchmefly account if you do not already have one.
2. You have to log in to your account then you choose the competition and you can see the entry form
(entry form is not visible if you‘re not logged in)
Für alle die sich bisher noch nie bei watchmefly für einen Bewerb angemeldet haben folgende Information:
1. Ihr müsst euch bei watchmefly registrieren und euren Account anlegen ( für alle die noch keinen Account haben)
2. Ihr müsst euch anmelden und dann die Meisterschaft teilnehmen damit ihr das Anmeldeformular sehen könnt.
Das Anmeldeformular ist nicht sichtbar, wenn ihr nicht angemeldet seid.
Liebe Grüße vom Veranstaltungsteam