Electronic Noticeboard
Morning flight (31/08/2024) is CANCELED
Due to strong wind and the possibility of thunderstorms the morning flight (31/08/2024) is CANCELED—the next briefing at 17:00 in the briefing room.
Task #20 is CANCELED. The launching period is prolonged until 19:00.
Task 20 is CANCELED. The launch period is prolonged until 19:00. Please answer the message in Leszno 2024 Pilots in the format Pilot # received.
New Balloon Live version
Dear competitors,
I just wanted to inform you that a new version of the Balloon Live app is out today. It supports UTM ETRS89. Please, don't forget to update it before the 1st competition flight.
WhatsApp groups
Hi all,
During this event, we are going to use WhatsApp for the recall procedure, to spread competition-related and public information, to provide changes to tasks, etc.
For this purpose, three WhatsApp groups were created:
Leszno 2024 Public
The Leszno 2024 Public is open to everyone; anyone can join it and share his/her pictures, videos, and messages.
Leszno 2024 ED
The Leszno 2024 ED is closed and used by the ED for sharing important information with pilots. The target teams will use this group to report the corrected coordinates of the targets used in a particular flight if such corrections occur.
Leszno 2024 Pilots
The Leszno 2024 Pilots Only the pilot, his crew chief, and officials can join this group. Most of the time, the ability to comment will be disabled in this group and only during the flight, and one hour before and after it, it will be possible to write comments, questions, and other important information for the flight. We also will use this group to collect pilot landing messages and pilots' confirmations about receiving important messages.
The Official Competition map
Maps of the Leszno and Dolsk competition areas plus PZs: Link
* Don't be confused - the Dolsk map has the User Grid, but the calibration is performed using UTM coordinates and the electronic grid is UTM.
Red PZ No. 4 (Road S5) plt file.
This is the PLT file of PZ4 - Motorway.
All penalties for PZ4 will be calculated against this PLT file.
Event Schedule
August 28, Wednesday
10.00 - 14.00 Registration
15.00 General briefing
17.00 Tasks briefing
17.30 The first competition flight
20.00 - 21.30 Refuelling
August 29, Thursday
05.30 Tasks briefing
06.00 The second competition flight
08.00 - 10.00 Refuelling
17.00 Tasks briefing in DOLSK.
17.30 The third competition flight in DOLSK
21.00 - 22.30 Refuelling
August 30, Friday
05.30 Tasks briefing
06.00 The fourth competition flight
08.00 - 10.00 Refuelling
17.00 Tasks briefing
17.30 The fifth competition flight
20.00 - 21.30 Refuelling
August 31, Saturday
05.30 Tasks briefing
06.00 The sixth competition flight
08.00 - 10.00 Refuelling
17.00 Tasks briefing
17.30 The seventh competition flight
21.00 Night Glow
21.30 - 23.00 Refuelling
22.00 Closing ceremony
On behalf of the Leszno Balloon Club, I have the pleasure of inviting your team to the 33rd ENEA Leszno Balloon Cup, which will take place from 28th August to 1st September 2024.
The Competition Centre will be held in Ach to Tu Hotel, 26th Balonowa Street. This time we offer two options of entering our Event, you can choose the option with a Hotel or without it. We offer the hotel "Ach To Tu" for the first 20 crews who will be interested in this option, for the next 6 we have booked rooms at the Airfield Apartments.
Due to close cooperation with Leszno Airfield, we decided to make small changes this year in the schedule of this event. We will organize the Night Glow after the last flight (Saturday night), before the Closing Ceremony. Leszno Airfield will refund 130 EUR of the entry fee for all pilots who participated in the Night Glow.
During the Event, we plan to use the Balloon Live system. That means the pilot is obliged to bring a Balloon Live Sensor and Balloon Live App with him.
You will find the Invitation and the Entry Form attached to this Invitation.
Please, send the filled entry form and payment evidence to me by email (zosiaprawicka@wp.pl). I would be grateful for information about the pilot's choices (with or without a hotel) and how many crew members he plans to have. Also, I collect pilots and balloon photos from those pilots who haven't sent them in previous years or changed their balloon envelopes.
Hope to see you in Leszno.
Best regards,
Zofia Prawicka
Leszno Balloon Club