Electronic Noticeboard
9 of June morning flight is canceled
According to the weather forecast for 9.06 morning - ground wind speed 10 - 15 kt, altitude wind 30 -50 kt, and 6:00 - 8:00 a.m. cold front with rain and thunderstorms crossing our competition area. i decided to cancel the 09.06 morning briefing and fifth competition flight.
Competition debriefing at 11:00 on 09.06 in briefing hall.
ED Tadas
Flight 3 is canceled next briefing 08 of June at 4.45
Task sheet flight 1
Competition map / Varžybų žemėlapis
Link to the map for download:
Balloon Live app and sensor - test recording and operation recommendations
Dear Pilots,
To best prepare for any technology hiccups to be solved before we start the event, I would like to ask you to carefully read and follow these three important steps:
Please check the following:
the latest version of the Balloon Live app is installed (v2034)
the Balloon Live Sensor has the latest firmware version (v4.17) better (v4.19)
For further information and latest updates, please visit balloonlive.org
To test the Balloon Live app with a BLS connected, you will have to log in with your WatchMeFly - account. Then select the 32nd Lithuanian Hot air Balloon Championship, Birstonas Cup 2024 event to load the competition and flight data.
One practice flight has been defined and is ready to be used for testing. To test that everything is running smoothly, start at least one flight recording and let the app record for a minimum of 5-10 minutes (the longer, the better). While recording this flight, please do also test dropping markers and declaring goals. Watch especially for a good reactivity of the system. Maybe you can also include a waiting time between the selection of the marker/goal number and the final drop. This creates a realistic situation and will help eliminate potential problems. Don’t hesitate to repeat the recording. You can record multiple practice flights.
Once you stopped the flight, you can find your flight data on WatchMeFly.net for download.
Until the General Briefing we will check if all pilots have done such a test recording.
Finally, please download and read the new "BLA and BLS Operation recommendations", available for download on https://balloonlive.org/downloads/
If you have any problem, please check the FAQ on balloonlive.org or ultimately contact support@balloonlive.org.
Best regards,
Tadas Gegevicius
Event Director
13.00 Registracija, apgyvendinimas (iki 16.00)
17.00 Generalinis brifingas
19.00 Varžybinis brifingas
20.00 Varžybinis skrydis
21.00 Dujų pildymas (iki 23.00)
4.30 Rytinė kava
4.45 Varžybinis brifingas
6.00 Varžybinis skrydis
8.30 Dujų pildymas
10.00 Pusryčiai
15.00 Pietūs
19.00 Varžybinis brifingas
20.00 Varžybinis skrydis
21.00 Dujų pildymas (iki 23.00)
4.30 Rytinė kava
4.45 Varžybinis brifingas
6.00 Varžybinis skrydis
8.30 Dujų pildymas
13.00 Varžybų uždarymo ceremonija
THURSDAY (06.06)
13.00 Registration, accommodation (until 16.00)
17.00 General briefing
19.00 Competition briefing
20.00 Competition Flight
21.00 Gas refueling (until 23.00)
FRIDAY (06.07) - SATURDAY (06.08)
4.30 Morning coffee
4.45 Competition briefing
6.00 Competition Flight
8.30 Gas filling
10.00 Breakfast
15.00 Lunch
19.00 Competition briefing
20.00 Competition flight
21.00 Gas refueling (until 23.00)
SUNDAY (06.09)
4.30 Morning coffee
4.45 Competition briefing
6.00 Competition Flight
8.30 Gas filling
13.00 Closing ceremony