Flights & Tasks
Noticeboard - Latest Posts
New RED PZ June 15
15 Jun 2024

Please add the new RED PZ to your map.

New YELLOW PZ June 14
14 Jun 2024

Please add this new Yellow PZ to your maps.

Pilot Roster with Photos
12 Jun 2024
Rules (Updated June 12, 2024)
12 Jun 2024
Jury approval of rule change request
12 Jun 2024
Request for rule change 5.6.2
12 Jun 2024
Director’s Response to Competitor #9 Complaint
11 Jun 2024
Competitor #9 Complaint
11 Jun 2024
2024 Pilot Roster
10 Jun 2024
Gary Haynes approval
10 Jun 2024
New Yellow Zone
10 Jun 2024

The area around targets #2987 & 2988 (Kilgore Airport) is now a yellow PZ. 

2024 General Briefing Notes
10 Jun 2024
Jury approval of rule change request
9 Jun 2024
Rule Change request
9 Jun 2024
2024 Red PZ’s
9 Jun 2024
Waypoint List UTM
9 Jun 2024

Here is the waypoint list in UTM format.  (No change to the waypoints).

US Nationals Rule Changes for 2024
8 Jun 2024
2024 Map and waypoint files
15 May 2024
2024 US Nationals Operations Manual
22 Feb 2024
Propane Refueling Area
31 Jan 2024
US Nationals Operations Area
31 Jan 2024
Event Schedule
30 Jan 2024